The Junior Council Person Program is an outstanding opportunity to get the youth of Glen Rock to participate in the governing process of their community.  It is for high school juniors and seniors who wish to learn the structure, procedure and processes active in the local government.

Guidelines of the program:

  • Must be a borough resident
  • Must be a high school Junior or Senior (preferably a Junior)
  • Must take an “oath of office”
  • Must serve a one to two-year term to coincide with the school year
  • Must attend monthly borough council meetings, budget sessions and any other “special” meetings
  • Must be seated on the council, participating in any and all business
  • Must observe all borough council meeting rules

They cannot:

  • Vote
  • Attend “executive” sessions

Any students who would like to participate should write a letter of interest to Borough Council.  If there is more than one candidate, Borough Council will select the most qualified person.  Contact the Borough Office for more information.